- Selma
- Selma
- Senna De Ria Vela
- Senna De Ria Vela
Our dear selma past away in january 2021.
She is probably the bitch who have ment most for our breeding
Her legacy will live for a long time in the pedrigree in many great dogs and in our hearts.
BEST BROOD BITCH 2020,and 2022
5 x BOB PROGENTY-Group with HP
8xBOB Puppy
2xBOB Junior
1xBIS Junior
1xBIS Intermediate Class
1xBOB Intermediate Class
1xRes CC.
Mother of:
N S UCH RL1 Dancewood Bovitier D`Aunou
N UCH BH-VT IAD Dancewood Most Happy Fella
NUCH RL1 Dancewood Whishes Fulfilled
24 of 24 pupps clear HD
23 of 24 pupps clear AD
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