We are over the moon of the fantastic result this weekend.
C.I.B.-V N UCH DK SE U(U)C N RL CH N DKVet CH NVV-23 NORDVV-23 NJUBVV-23 RLI RLII RLIII RLE Dancwood Bouvitier D`Anou (Ch Mad about The Ria Vela- Senna De Ria Vela)
BOB, Best In Group and Best In Show nr4. At the Norwegian Kennel Club Nordic show for all breeds. Not bad of a 9 year old boy!!!
Breed and Group Judge: Nina Skjelbred
Best In Show Judge: Leila KÄRKÄS
I have to say that my eyes went vet when the result come up on the computer.
Thank you so much Marlene Forss for holding this old man in such a super condition!
Many thanks to the judges who make this happen.
But that is not all!!
On Friday at the Norwegian Retrieverclub show his half brother
N S DK UCH Dancewood Most Happy Fella(Dutch Tab v.d Beerse Hoeve- Senna De Ria Vela)
Went BOB and Best In Show!!
Well done Simen Isbjørn Adolfsen and Inga Tora Hallvardsdottir
On Iceland is was Dancewood Shea Coulee(Ch Glitters Rebell At Heart-Dancewood I Fly with You) who made us proud.
Best male and BOS.
Thank you all!! We are so proud.
UPDATE: On sunday Dancewood Bouvitier D`Anou won veteran class, BOB Veteran and BIS 4 Veteran on Norwegian Kennel Club International show!
Thanks to Marianne Berg for this lovely picture of Doffen.

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